=== Document Library Pro === Contributors: barn2media Tags: document, library, table, tables, shortcode, search, sort Requires at least: 6.0 Tested up to: 6.6.1 Requires PHP: 7.4 Stable tag: 1.15.0 License: GNU General Public License v3.0 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Update URI: https://barn2.com/wordpress-plugins/document-library-pro/ Add documents and display them in a searchable document library with filters. == Description == Add documents and display them in a searchable document library with filters. == Installation == 1. Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload and select the plugin ZIP file (see link in Purchase Confirmation Email). 2. Activate the plugin. 3. Enter your license key under Documents -> Settings. == Frequently Asked Questions == See refer to the [documentation](https://barn2.com/kb-categories/document-library-pro-kb/). If you need further assistance please visit [our support center](https://barn2.com/support-center/). == Changelog == = 1.15.0 = Release date 27 August 2024 * New: Set a document expiry date, after which the document will become visible only to editors and administrators. * New: Taxonomy and page length dropdown filters for the grid layout. * Fix: Added fallbacks for the responsive srcset on the grid card image. * Fix: It was not possible to uncheck the custom folder icon setting. * Fix: Long link text would overflow outside the button on the table layout under certain configurations. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.6.1. = 1.14.0 = Release date 27 May 2024 * New: Word, Excel and Powerpoint files can now be previewed with the Office Web Viewer. * New: Supported external links can now be previewed. * New: Documents and their metadata are now retrievable via the REST API. * New: Added filename option for the table, grid and single document page layouts. * New: Added option to display the file size on the single document page. * New: Display the Document Author(s) on the grid page. * Tweak: Ensured all knowledge base links on the settings page open in a new tab. * Tweak: Adjusted the position and name of some settings. * Tweak: Changed the name of Document Author filter on the table layout to Author. * Tweak: Add more spacing below the folders output. * Tweak: Changed the default position of the Document Link metabox on the Add/Edit Document page in wp-admin. * Tweak: Removed the excerpt option from the single document page. Existing configurations with it enabled will remain in place until the setting is deactivated and there is a filter available to re-enable it. * Tweak: Allow full use of wp-admin functionality without a valid license. * Tweak: Changed the document author taxonomy to public. * Fix: PHP warning when viewing the single document page on a fresh install with the default settings. * Fix: Download count was not displayed on the grid layout when filename, file type, file size and categories were not set to display. * Fix: Download and preview buttons were not displaying correctly on new installs under certain conditions. * Fix: Preview button alignment in the table layout when using the multi-download checkboxes. * Fix: The version control confirmation dialog was incorrectly appearing under certain configurations. * Fix: Display the correct initial button text for the Add/Replace File button in the Document Link metabox. * Fix: Clear previously saved file size when switching the Document Link type from File to URL on the Add/Edit Document page in wp-admin. * Fix: cf: not working in shortcode if value has @. * Fix: Fixed bug with search_on_click not working for default true value. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.5.3. = 1.13.6 = Release date 3 April 2024 * Fix: Fixed PHP warning message when no custom sorting column is added. * Fix: Fixed responsive hidden row not closing after reset. * Fix: Fixed bug that empty folders are being shown when doc_category is added to the shortcode. * Fix: Fixed the grid search to only get results after a certain amount of keywords typed. * Tweak: Added document_library_pro_form_redirect filter hook. * Tweak: Added document_library_pro_download_checkboxes_should_display filter hook. * Tweak: Updated the search_box attribute to work with true or false values. * Tweak: Added show_page option to document library page settings. * Tweak: Removed parsing the shortcode attribute values. * Tweak: Auto-hide reset link. * Tweak: Moved the totals position to the right in the grid layout. * Tweak: Auto-hide the pagination on the grid layout. * Tweak: Add grid totals singular and plural wording. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.5. = 1.13.5 = Release date 8 November 2023 * New: Added French translation (credit: Nicolas Zein). * Fix: Fixed shortcodes adding extra space in excerpt. * Dev: Added document_library_pro_enable_media_filter filter hook. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.4. = 1.13.4 = Release date 11 October 2023 * Fix: Fixed ACF fields not showing when importing. * Tweak: Improved preview modal to support more themes. * Tweak: Saving license key when clicking next in setup wizard. * Dev: Reviewed parsing shortcode attribute values. = 1.13.3 = Release date 21 September 2023 * Tweak: Added ACF and EPT custom fields to import options. * Tweak: Added folder category descriptions filter hook. * Fix: Fixed loading icon not showing on folders. * Dev: Normalized shortcode arguments. = 1.13.2 = Release date 14 September 2023 * Fix: Turned post_object public to allow other plugins to use it. = 1.13.1 = Release date 13 September 2023 * Fix: Fixed folders not including documents from doc_category attribute. * Fix: Fixed table sort for acf fields with empty values. * Fix: Fixed bug on total filtered items when using SearchWP. * Dev: Added document grid custom fields to wizard. * Dev: Added custom fields default values. = 1.13.0 = Release date 7 September 2023 * New: PHP 8 support. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.3.1. = 1.12.1 = Release date 18 August 2023 * Fix: Fixed root folders displaying the documents that belongs to their sub folders. = 1.12.0 = Release date 15 August 2023 * New: Option to display custom fields on single document pages. * New: Option to display custom fields on grid layout. * New: Option to set default WordPress custom fields on document edit pages. * Tweak: Added loader on submission form. * Tweak: Added reset button to filters in folder view. * Fix: Allowed numeric terms on folders view. * Fix: Fixed categories and tags not being saved on form submission. * Dev: Added document_library_pro_search_placeholder filter. * Dev: Added SECURITY.md file. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.3. = 1.11.1 = Release date 19 July 2023 * Fix: Fixed german language file error. * Fix: Fixed the possibility of renaming the filters. * Fix: Fixed close svg button aria label attribute. = 1.11.0 = Release date 11 July 2023 * Tweak: Change Document Categories and Tags filter headings. * Fix: Fix parent folders not sorting when they are empty. * Fix: Added aria label accessibility to SVG links. * Dev: Updated get_file_url to contemplate more hostings. * Dev: Updated Barn2 libraries and dependencies. * Dev: Updated to webpack-config 2.0.0. = 1.10.0 = Release date 29 May 2023 * New: Added German translation. * Fix: Fixed protected documents not being shown upon search. * Fix: Added filter hook searchwp\query\logic\phrase\strict compatibility. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.2.2. = 1.9.9 = Release date 26 April 2023 * Fix: Fixed custom post type naming on admin new toolbar. * Fix: Fixed search feature not working for non english characters. = 1.9.8 = Release date 17 April 2023 * Tweak: Updated allowed file mime types. * Fix: Fixed FacetWP logic conditions not working * Fix: Fixed FacetWP pagination not working * Dev: Fixed path generation from urls with directories. = 1.9.7 = Release date 31 March 2023 * Tweak: Added the possibility to import custom taxonomies by their name. * Dev: Fixed the hook name 'document_library_pro_data_version'. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.2. = 1.9.6 = Release date 22 March 2023 * Tweak: Added a new filter document_library_pro_import_capability to change the import user capability. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.1.1. = 1.9.5 = Release date 15 March 2023 * Tweak: Added 2 new filters that help determine visibility of the preview and download buttons. = 1.9.4 = Release date 16 February 2023 * Fix: When using the 'document_library_pro_language_defaults' filter, 'totalsSingle' and 'totalsPlural' were not correctly applied. * Dev: Updated Barn2 libraries and dependencies. = 1.9.3 = Release date 6 February 2023 * Fix: Content field could not be disabled on the frontend submission form. * Fix: Documents were not created via the frontend submission form if the document excerpt was disabled. * Fix: High resolution videos could exceed the container dimensions in the preview modal. * Dev: Add filter to allow adjustments on the frontend submission form fields configuration. * Dev: Updated Barn2 libraries and dependencies. = 1.9.2 = Release date 26 January 2023 * Fix: HTML entities were not decoded in the taxonomy dropdowns on the frontend submission form. * Fix: Allow `post__in` as an orderby option in the table query for FacetWP sorting. * Dev: Updated Barn2 libraries and dependencies. = 1.9.1 = Release date 18 January 2023 * Tweak: Add support for the Sort facet in the FacetWP integration. * Fix: Some special characters were not allowed when selecting documents by custom field, or when using the search box. * Dev: Updated Barn2 libraries and dependencies. = 1.9.0 = Release date 12 January 2023 * New: Added frontend document uploader form. * Tweak: Updated language files. * Dev: Updated Barn2 libraries and dependencies. = 1.8.4 = Release date 12 December 2022 * Fix: Download count was not tracked when using the `icon_only`, `icon`, or `text` styles for the download button. * Fix: The `no_docs_message` option was not functioning correctly in grid layout. * Dev: Updated Barn2 libraries and dependencies. = 1.8.3 = Release date 6 December 2022 * Fix: The `search_on_click` option was not functioning correctly. * Fix: In grid layout, the `simple_numbers` pagination style output a 'Last' button instead of a 'Next' button. * Dev: Updated Barn2 libraries and dependencies. = 1.8.2 = Release date 22 November 2022 * Fix: FacetWP integration was returning all results when no documents were found. * Dev: Updated Barn2 libraries. = 1.8.1 = Release date 2 November 2022 * Fix: Close icon on the preview lightbox could not be clicked. * Fix: Result count in the grid layout was inaccurate when performing a search without results. * Fix: The `no_docs_message` and `no_docs_filtered_message` shortcode options were not working in the grid layout. * Fix: PHP warnings generated on the Filters step of the setup wizard. * Fix: Version control settings were only visible after a page reload. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.1. * Dev: Updated Barn2 libraries and dependencies. = 1.8 = Release date 17 October 2022 * New: Version control for your documents. * New: Customize the folder colors and icons. * New: Set folders as open, closed or a custom setup. * Tweak: Various improvements to global search, including a search page setting and improved supported theme styling. * Tweak: If no categories are available for the folder mode query then the default layout will be displayed instead. * Tweak: The WordPress post author metabox and column are hidden by default. Re-enable via Screen Options. * Tweak: Compatiblity with FacetWP 4.0.6 or greater. * Fix: Having a document library in table layout and a Posts Table Pro table on the same page would break under certain configurations. * Fix: The 'Documents' wp-admin menu would not be expanded when editing a term. * Fix: Clicking the content in the preview modal would close the modal. * Fix: Various undefined index PHP warnings. * Fix: Flash of folder SVG on first page load. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.0.2. * Dev: Updated Barn2 libraries and dependencies. = 1.7.2 = Release date 23 August 2022 * New: Added Swedish translation. * Fix: Folder tree would not generate correctly with deep hierarchies and empty intermediary categories. * Fix: Pagination did not work when performing a folder search with results in the grid layout. * Fix: The `grid_columns` shortcode option did not work. * Fix: Remove unnecessary extra double quote in the folder tree HTML. * Dev: Added new WordPress filters. * Dev: Updated Barn2 libraries. = 1.7.1 = Release date 1 August 2022 * Fix: Featured images could be hidden in grid mode. = 1.7 = Release date 28 July 2022 * New: Added support for custom taxonomies in the CSV importer. * New: Automatic featured image for documents linked to image files. * Tweak: Grid layout pagination is now consistent with the table layout pagination. * Fix: There was no success notice when saving settings. * Fix: Using pagination on grid layout with an active search term cleared the search term. * Fix: Grid layout featured images overflowed the container on some themes. * Dev: Added support for auto updates. * Dev: Updated dependencies and Barn2 libraries. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.0.1. = 1.6.4 = Release date 11 July 2022 * Tweak: Label for folders order adjusted. * Fix: Single document main content mobile layout. * Dev: Updated dependencies and Barn2 libraries. = 1.6.3 = Release date 22 June 2022 * Fix: The single document sidebar would overflow under certain theme layouts. * Fix: Audio and video embeds would not always display in grid mode. * Fix: Folder mode would generate inaccurate category trees when using custom taxonomies in the `term` option. * Dev: Updated dependencies and Barn2 libraries. = 1.6.2 = Release date 25 May 2022 * Tweak: Ensure that the Grid and Folder modes respect the minimum search term length. * Fix: Custom filters option in the setup wizard would not display the custom filters input field. * Dev: Added a custom args filter for modifying the display of the global search results. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.0. = 1.6.1 = Release date 25 April 2022 * Tweak: SearchWP integration now supports enabling the indexing of document file content via the SearchWP Engine options. * Fix: File upload errors would not display on the Drag and drop file importer. * Fix: Tags would not be assigned to documents when performing a CSV import. * Fix: Folder search would not work if the lazy load option was present on the document library. * Dev: Added a custom args filter for the FacetWP integration. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 5.9.3. = 1.6 = Release date 12 April 2022 * New: Download counts - track the number of downloads for each document with the option to display it on the table and grid layouts. * New: Document author taxonomy which can be displayed on the table and single document. * New: Set the number of columns to display in the grid layout. * New: Options to sort folders. * New: Change the permalink for the single document URL. * New: Taxonomy dropdown filters added to the document list page in wp-admin. * New: FacetWP integration. * New: Added Dutch translations. * Tweak: Improved responsive handling of images on the grid layout. * Tweak: Consistent title naming when creating documents via Bulk and Media Library import tools. * Tweak: Better handling of special characters in external URLs when using the CSV importer. * Tweak: Support any type of Dropbox URL in the CSV importer. * Tweak: Document category permalinks are now hierarchical. * Fix: Filter dropdowns on the table had usability issues when the WP admin bar was present. = 1.5.2 = Release date 14 March 2022 * Fix: Global search would not redirect to the search results page. * Dev: Updated knowledge base link in settings. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 5.9.2. = 1.5.1 = Release date 14 March 2022 * Tweak: The search results page is now noindexed. * Fix: Table filter dropdowns styling issue with certain WooCommerce setups. * Fix: No documents message was appearing outside of the search results page. * Fix: The reset button option could not be unchecked in settings. * Dev: Update Barn2 setup wizard library. = 1.5 = Release date 1 March 2022 * New: Search box for grid layout. * New: Search box for folder view. * New: Global document search, including widget and shortcode. * New: SearchWP integration. * Fix: The lightbox in the grid layout was displaying images with an incorrect aspect ratio. * Fix: The grid layout cards were missing a top border when configured without an image. * Fix: Path traversal in CSV importer. = 1.4.2 = Release date 7 January 2022 * Fix: CSV import of custom fields always converted keys to lowercase characters. = 1.4.1 = Release date 1 December 2021 * Fix: Terms order wrongly defaulting to ID instead of name. = 1.4 = Release date 29 November 2021 * New: Added support for Barn2 setup wizard. * Fix: Add File button was not functional when Content was not selected as a Document data option. = 1.3.4 = Release date 16 November 2021 * Tweak: Better handling of large images in the preview modal. * Fix: Custom filters would be cleared when setting Clickable fields to none. * Dev: Updated DataTables library to 1.11.3. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 5.8.2 = 1.3.3 = Release date 3 November 2021 * Fix: Replace file button was not visible on the Edit Document page in wp-admin. * Fix: Term order was not respected for nested subcategories in folder mode. * Fix: Bulk and CSV importing tools not initiating correctly when using string translation plugins. * Dev: Updated library. = 1.3.2 = Release date 25 October 2021 * Fix: Updating settings would result in the [doc_library] shortcode being duplicated on the Document Library page. = 1.3.1 = Release date 21 October 2021 * Tweak: Improved the design of grid cards. * Fix: Folders setting could not be unchecked via the settings page once enabled. * Dev: Added various hooks and filters for customizing grid cards. = 1.3 = Release date 14 October 2021 * New: Display documents in a grid layout. * Tweak: Improved mobile usability of the preview modal, particularly with media embeds. * Fix: Certain PDFs would not render correctly in iOS browsers. * Fix: The 'download' HTML attribute was incorrectly applied to links under certain conditions. = 1.2.3 = Release date 14 September 2021 * Tweak: Prevent duplication of existing files in the media library when using the CSV importer. * Tweak: Further improvements to folder mode with large numbers of categories. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 5.8.1. = 1.2.2 = Release date 23 August 2021 * Tweak: Cleaner title names when bulk importing documents via drag and drop or the media library. * Tweak: Allow higher post limits in folder mode to cater for large numbers of categories. = 1.2.1 = Release date 4 August 2021 * Fix: Document link buttons were visible before the document table loaded. * Fix: CSS conflict with the Uncode theme affected the Document link column layout. = 1.2 = Release date 27 July 2021 * New: Option to allow previewing PDF and media files in a lightbox. * New: Option to download multiple documents at once in a zip file. * New: Options to change the appearance of the preview and download buttons. * Fix: Custom taxonomies did not appear in the Documents admin menu. * Fix: Folders option had unexpected results when the shortcode query options returned no documents. * Dev: Added filters to allow icon replacement with custom SVGs. * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 5.8. = 1.1.2 = Release date 29 June 2021 * Tweak: Support term ordering for the folders display option. = 1.1.1 = Release date 26 April 2021 * Tweak: Improved column sizing for download buttons on the document table. * Fix: Document excerpts could display in the content column on document tables under certain conditions. = 1.1 = Release date 2 April 2021 * New: Added the ability to enable comments on the document post type. * New: Options to choose what data should display on the single document page. * Fix: Allow renaming of filter headings in the shortcode attributes. = 1.0.2 = Release date 15 March 2021 * Tweak: Automatically determine the file type for external urls. * Tweak: Added the HTML5 download and type attribute for direct links in the document tables. * Fix: Added missing translations for File Type and Link. = 1.0.1 = Release date 8 March 2021 * Fix: Hide document details sidebar when the document post is password protected. = 1.0 = Release date 24 February 2021 * New: Initial release.