### 4.6 | 2023-11-16 - Updated the signature field to be compatible with Compact View in Gravity Forms 2.8. - Fixed a PHP 8.1 notice on form submission. ### 4.5 | 2023-06-21 - Fixed an issue that makes the signature reset button hard to press using mobile browsers. ### 4.4 | 2023-01-18 - Updated styles to work with the Orbital theme in Gravity Forms 2.7. - Updated the location of reset icons and lock icon to provide better accessibility and better user experience. - Updated the editor icon. - Fixed an issue on the entry edit page that prevents the signature from being edited. ### 4.3 | 2022-06-15 - Fixed an issue where the signature field has no width when used in multiple forms on a page. ### 4.2 | 2022-02-17 - Fixed an issue where the signature field has no width when other form fields use conditional logic. - Fixed an issue where the signature field does not work correctly for mobile/touch devices. - Fixed an issue where the lock reset button is not hidden when clicking the signature reset button when a signature is present and the screen is resized. - Fixed an issue where a conditionally-hidden signature field's width is not updated or responsive. - API: Updated SuperSignature to version ### 4.1 | 2021-09-01 - Fixed JavaScript errors on the edit entry page that prevent the signature field from being edited. - Fixed an issue that causes the signature field to throw a JavaScript error on the front-end when the data input doesn't exist. - Fixed an issue where script tags are output above document head element. - Fixed a fatal error which can occur when saving the signature in some hosting environments. ### 4.0 | 2020-09-23 - Added security enhancements. - Added the [gform_signature_url](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_signature_url/), [gform_signature_url_permission_granted](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_signature_url_permission_granted/), and [gform_signature_url_require_login](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_signature_url_require_login/) filters. - Added support for Gravity Forms 2.5 ### 3.9 | 2020-05-18 - Added translations for Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, and Turkish. - Added the label visibility and description placement settings to the field appearance tab. - Updated Javascript files to use minified versions. - Fixed signing issue with Windows touch devices. ### 3.8 | 2019-07-31 - Added a check to GFSignature::display_signature() to only use mime_content_type() if the signature image file is local. - Added security enhancements. - Added the *[gform_signature_delete_file_pre_delete_entry](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_signature_delete_file_pre_delete_entry/)* filter to disable deletion of the signature file or trigger deletion at a later time. ### 3.7 | 2019-03-19 - Fixed signature field not appearing on single page forms or multi-page forms embedded without AJAX. - Fixed signature field disappearing on multi-page forms embedded via AJAX when rotating mobile device. - Fixed extra lines added to signature when signing with Chrome on Android. - Fixed issue where signature was clipped when rotating on mobile devices. ### 3.6 | 2018-12-18 - Added responsive support to Signature field. - Fixed fatal error when displaying the signature image on some servers. - Fixed PHP warning message. - Updated SuperSignature to version and used unhexed version. ### 3.5 | 2018-04-09 - Added security fixes. - Added query parameter to return signature as transparent image. - Added GPL to plugin header. - Updated Plugin URI and Author URI to use https. ### 3.4 | 2018-01-29 - Added compatibility with Gravity Forms 2.3. - Updated IeModalFix init option to only be set for IE browsers; fixes issue with FireFox with 3+ paths on a signature. - Fixed a JavaScript error which could occur in the form editor with Gravity Forms 2.3-beta. - Fixed an issue where the field could be populated with the value from another form on the same page if both fields have the same ID. - Fixed an issue where the signature file could remain after the entry was permanently deleted. ### 3.3 | 2016-10-26 - Updated initialization options for signature to set different values based on MAC or PC to fix issues with touch not working. ### 3.2 | 2016-10-26 - Updated field appearance settings label classes for consistency with GF2.0+. - Fixed issue where signing with more than three lines corrupted the signature. - Fixed a fatal error if Html2RGB() has already been defined by the theme or another plugin. ### 3.1 | 2016-06-16 - Added the [gform_signature_init_options](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_signature_init_options) filter. - Updated to include the ss_orig.js script in the footer. - Updated the signature container markup to use the height from the init options. - Updated script to be initialized via *get_form_inline_script_on_page_render()* rather than inline with the input markup. - Fixed an issue when signing on a Windows touch machine with chrome. - Fixed an issue with the required field validation when updating an existing entry outside the entry detail context e.g. from a Gravity Flow user input step. - Fixed a JavaScript error which could occur when the signature init script is included on a page and the field input is not e.g. the Gravity Flow user input step when the field is not editable. - Fixed an issue with the border width style in the admin and on the front-end for old IE. - Fixed a JavaScript issue which affected multi-page AJAX enabled forms when loading the next page. ### 3.0 | 2016-04-14 - Added support for Gravity Forms 2.0. - Added GF_Field_Signature. - Updated SuperSignature to version - Fixed an issue where the old signature file was not deleted when using the 'sign again' link. - Fixed an issue where the signature files would remain when permanently deleting all the entries for a form. - Fixed an issue which prevented the signature canvas being displayed after deleting the existing signature when editing an entry. - Fixed some strings in the form editor which were untranslatable. - Fixed an issue with the borderStyle setting. - Updated to only include the deleteSignature script on the entry detail edit page. - Updated location of Signature field settings so they are now located on the Appearance tab. - Updated SuperSignature; fixing a vertical offset issue with the touch point/capture location when the WP admin bar is present on a mobile device. - Removed Browser.php. ### 2.4 | 2016-01-06 - Added drag and drop support to the field button in the form editor (GF 1.9). - Added Spanish (es_ES) translation. - Updated POT file. - Updated GFSignature::maybe_save_signature() to public. - Updated signature script to latest version. - Fixed a fatal error if Browser.php was already included by another plugin. - Fixed an issue with the delete signature confirmation message. - Fixed signature appearing as a black image in some email clients. - Fixed issue a JavaScript error in the form editor in some languages. - Fixed issue with causing mixed content warning when Force SSL was enabled in the admin. - Fixed issue when multiple Html2RGB() functions were defined. - Fixed issue with folder path causing signature not to be saved correctly on same servers. ### 2.3 | 2014-10-16 - Added function gf_signature to easily get a Signature instance. - Added text domain/path to header. - Added support for save and continue in Gravity Forms 1.9. - Added new filter: *gform_signature_show_in_all_fields* add_filter( 'gform_signature_show_in_all_fields', '__return_false' ); - Updated protected functions to be public. - Updated to have the file class-gf-signature.php and organized code into this file and signature.php. - Updated version to use a variable. - Updated to display signature image in {all_fields} tag. ### 2.2 | 2014-04-14 - Updated Super Signature script to latest to resolve issues with Kindle Fire HD. - Fixed issue with IE11 when using the latest version of the Super Signature script. ### 2.1 | 2014-01-31 - Downgraded super signature script to previous version due to an issue with IE11. ### 2.0 | 2014-01-29 - Added Add-On Framework integration. - Updated super signature script to - Updated masked input JS library to 1.3.1. - Fixed issue creating signature image when output buffer wasn't empty. - Fixed issue with signature being deleted when editing the entry. ### 1.3 | 2013-03-07 - Fixed issue with signature file name being displayed on the print page instead of the signature image. - Updated signature script to version ### 1.2 | 2012-09-13 - Added ability to add a signature in the entry detail page when a signature does not already exist. ### 1.1 | 2012-08-30 - Fixed issue with custom validation message not getting displayed. - Fixed issue with signature URL not being created correctly when resending notifications. - Fixed conflict with IE8. - Fixed issues when signing on IE9. - Fixed issue where editing entry resulted in removal of signature from lead. - Updated edit entry functionality to support previewing, downloading and deleting signature from lead. ### 1.0 | 2012-07-02 - Fixed issue when signing on IE 9. - Fixed issue with jQuery being included in the ss_orig.js file. - Added support for ManageWP. - Fixed issue with signature files not being deleted when lead is deleted. - Fixed duplicate field size setting. - Updated field size setting to an open text input instead of a drop down. - Fixed conflict with datepicker field. - Fixed issue with multi-page forms where signature was not maintaining its value from page to page.