Ben Scheelk manages operations and leads fundraising for multiple programs at The Ocean Foundation including the Blue Resilience Initiative, SeaGrass Grow, the Fiscal Sponsorship Program, Keep Loreto Magical, and a variety of consulting arrangements. Ben’s role as Program Officer includes new business development, program implementation, financial management, risk mitigation, stakeholder engagement, client marketing, internal monitoring and evaluation, and the improvement of knowledge management systems. Ben joined the organization after working as the project manager and executive assistant for Alexandra Cousteau at Blue Legacy International, one of The Ocean Foundation’s now fledged projects. Ben has a Master’s in Public Administration with an emphasis in nonprofit management from The George Washington University. He graduated from Northern Michigan University with a B.A. in Earth Science and International Studies with Honors. Ben also serves as Chair of the Board of Directors for The Commons, a 501(c)(3) based in Washington, D.C. that empowers ecosystem restoration stakeholders with access to high quality digital services and open tool kits.